China’s women’s movement has not only survived an intense crackdown, it’s grown
“The shrinking public space for discussing women’s rights in China makes it even more extraordinary that a feminist movement is able to survive at all”
“The shrinking public space for discussing women’s rights in China makes it even more extraordinary that a feminist movement is able to survive at all”
“the gender gap in labor force participation rates in China has risen from 9.4 percentage points in 1990 to 14.1 percentage points in 2020”
Image of the hard-working Asian became an extremely convenient way to deny the demands of African Americans
Asian Americans are not a new phenomenon in being involved in politics, but are a new phenomenon in being elected.
“Wen Ho Lee was guilty because he was Chinese”
Asian Americans as the “model minority” may sound like a compliment, but it’s actually a harmful racial stereotype.
Senate makes it very clear that hate and discrimination against any group has no place in America.
A village that changed the rural economic model of China.
The surge in violence against Asian-Americans is a reminder that America’s present reality reflects its exclusionary past.
The history of racism against Asian Americans and how the Covid-19 pandemic and political rhetoric resurfaced racist attitude towards Asian Americans.