Sponsors Asian American Advancing Justice – Asian American Justice Center  (AAAJ – AAJC); APA Justice Task Force; Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs (APAPA); Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School; United Chinese Americans (UCA)
Participants Alice Huang, Neal Lane (Rice), Sarina Neote, Xiaoxing Xi, Michael German
Summary The Justice Department’s “China Initiative” has targeted Asian American and Asian immigrant scientists while driving away needed scientific talents from the U.S. This initiative undermines the rights of Americans and is detrimental to American research and enterprise. This expert panel discusses the harms of the “China Initiative” and proposes policy ideas that can ensure U.S. research security while protecting science and innovation.
Excerpt We need to educate the public to have the policymakers know that we are talking about fundamental research, not sensitive or classified research” – Xiaoxing Xi 
Curator Notes  This is the second webinar in a four-part series tackling the human and scientific costs of the “China Initiative.” The “China Initiative” is an effort by the U.S. Department of Justice to counter Chinese national security threats and to protect U.S. trade secrets and technology. Under this initiative, the DOJ has pursued enforcement actions against Chinese companies and individual researchers and scientists with ties to China.
Publish Date December 2, 2020
Source URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNG9NUK4-aM
Series URL https://www.apapa.org/chinainitiative/
Speaker Bios Alice Huang 黄诗厚 (CalTech), former President, American Association for the Advancement of Science; Neal Lane (Rice), former director, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy; Sarina Neote, Science Policy Manager, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Xiaoxing Xi 郗小星 (Temple), 2020 Andrei Sakharov Prize recipient.



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