Rep. Judy Chu: How to talk about China’s role in pandemic in racially sensitive way
Terms like ‘China virus’ put Asian Americans in harm’s way.
Terms like ‘China virus’ put Asian Americans in harm’s way.
Almost 40% of U.S. adults ,and 58% of the respondents of Asian descent – said it’s more common for people to express racist views about Asians than before the outbreak of COVID-19.
Excerpt Asian Americans are the forgotten minority in the glass ceiling conversation.
Key moments in American history have played a role in shaping how the country view Asians in America.
We need to talk about the rise of anti-Asian hate and attacks.
Research on discrimination experienced specifically by Asian American women.
Modest measures by the US can reverse the dangerous decay in US-China relations.
Politicians pumped up the image of Asian Americans as a way to shift the blame for black poverty.
A Parody on Asian American History
The Chinese believe they are already, or soon will be, the strongest nation in the world.