China: The Past Is Always the Present

Introduction to China’s geography, the nature differences between the north and south, China’s history of controlling nature, the dominate Han culture, culture artifacts, the standardization of language, and Confuius influence on China’s current value system.

Hawaii Fellowship Program for Teachers Workshop Announced

Four travel fellowships of $1500 each will be available to enable Hawaiian middle or high school teachers to attend our 2016 “China’s Place in a Changing World Order” Teachers Workshop! Application deadline is May 15, 2016.   See what you need to do to APPLY.

2016 Lesson Plan Contest – $500-$1000 Awards

Yes,  there is going to be another modern China lesson plan contest. This time the winning awards will range from $500 to $1000, and there is no specific upper limit for total awards. Early Bird deadline is June 30, 2016 and Final … Continued

Welcome to China Now for Teachers Website!

Welcome to our new website! As you can tell, this website was just born and can barely stand up. Many of the pages are still under construction, as we were just too busy getting our August 3-4 Teachers Workshop going and … Continued