Our Filtered View of China
The filtered views given by U.S. media vs. the true feelings of a person punished for some wrong doing in China
The filtered views given by U.S. media vs. the true feelings of a person punished for some wrong doing in China
History of discrimination against the Chinese and anti-China sentiments in the U.S.
Reality vs. Perception in U.S. China Relations
An introduction to the fundamentals of China’s remarkable economic development in the last 35 years.
The reasons for rural to urban migration in China
A movie about children’s life in rural areas of China
An effort to provide education in rural China. Dr. Scott Rozelle August 5, 2013
Challenges China faces and misconceptions that U.S. has about China
The unpresident rise of China’s middle class
China’s transition from a rural agriculture community to an urban, industrial community has had detrimental impact on the environment both globally and locally.