China in Transition 2 – Rural and Urban Disparity
A movie about children’s life in rural areas of China
A movie about children’s life in rural areas of China
An effort to provide education in rural China. Dr. Scott Rozelle August 5, 2013
Challenges China faces and misconceptions that U.S. has about China
The unpresident rise of China’s middle class
Should the Uighurs be defined as “terrorists” not “freedom fighters?”
China’s transition from a rural agriculture community to an urban, industrial community has had detrimental impact on the environment both globally and locally.
Introduction to China’s geography, the nature differences between the north and south, China’s history of controlling nature, the dominate Han culture, culture artifacts, the standardization of language, and Confuius influence on China’s current value system.
Yes, there is going to be another modern China lesson plan contest. This time the winning awards will range from $500 to $1000, and there is no specific upper limit for total awards. Early Bird deadline is June 30, 2016 and Final … Continued
Greg Adler, favored teacher-facilitator at our past two teachers workshops, will be conducting a session at the upcoming CCSS Conference on the morning of March 4th, 2016 at Costa Mesa! True to form, Greg’s topic is: Anchoring China Past & … Continued
The 1990 Institute is delighted to announce two Grand Prize winners of the Margaret Liu-Collins Excellence in Teaching Award from the 2015 CHINA NOW For Teachers Lesson Plan Contest — Ms. Sarah Bremer from Bishop O’Dowd School in Oakland, CA … Continued