Charts that show how Deng Xiaoping unleashed China’s pent-up capitalist energy in 1978
Deng Xiaoping said “We need large numbers of pathbreakers who dare to think, explore new ways and generate new ideas.”
Deng Xiaoping said “We need large numbers of pathbreakers who dare to think, explore new ways and generate new ideas.”
There are more forces working against conflict between U.S. and China than towards it.
The name of the DOJ/FBI/CIA policy “China Initiative” is itself a form of “racial profiling”.
Can democracy compete in the 21st century with autocracies?
Lesson Summary: Students will learn about the much unknown history of racism against Asian Americans, what Asian Americans have had to endure and how the current perceptions of Asian Americans have manifested. Through reflection, critical thinking and much needed discussion, … Continued
Nearly 80% of Asian Americans say that they do not feel respected and are discriminated against in the U.S.
No country, China included — is about to displace the U.S. in terms of overall power resources in the next few decades.
“We need to make sure that our community is educated so that they know what their rights are” – John C. Yang
“I’ve heard from so many individuals who are afraid of pursuing a career in science or academia because they fear being falsely accused of spying and being racially profiled simply because they are Chinese” – Congresswoman Judy Chu
We need to educate the public to have the policymakers know that we are talking about fundamental research, not sensitive or classified research” – Xiaoxing Xi