Americans are critical of China’s handling of COVID-19 and distrust information about it from Beijing
More than 35% of Americans distrust information from the Chinese government about the coronavirus outbreak, 49% have no trust at all.
More than 35% of Americans distrust information from the Chinese government about the coronavirus outbreak, 49% have no trust at all.
The irony is Kuaishou’s “ordinary folks” ethos is about to make its founders very rich when the platform goes public in Hong Kong in February.
Unlike TikTok, Douyin bills itself ‘China’s largest platform for knowledge, arts, and cultural heritage.
A trusted source for advice and recommendations from other users and like-minded people
Over the past 10 years, Weibo has transformed from a simple blogging site to an indispensable part of Chinese people’s everyday life.
China’s social networking sites mirrors that of the rest of the world except that each of these sites is a domestically engineered platform.
WeChat users are under surveillance on content that is politically sensitive in China.
WeChat has overtaken the previously dominant Weibo, climbing today to over one billion monthly active users, a figure which continues to edge upwards.
While many Chinese-Americans actually agree that WeChat deserved more scrutiny, few believed that Trump’s ban was the right way to go about it.
Contrary to conventiona economic theory, China’s economy is strong.