China Looms Large in Biden Infrastructure Plan
Long competition with China is beginning to color all manner of American policy move.
Long competition with China is beginning to color all manner of American policy move.
A Pew Research Center survey of 9,654 U.S. adults last June found that roughly 31% of Asian adults said they had been the subject of slurs or jokes.
Asian Women are more frequently victims of hate crimes.
Given the historical fetishization of Asian women, it’s nearly impossible to divorce race from the discourse.
An unspeakable tragedy” for both the victims’ families and an Asian-American community that has been reeling from high levels of racist attacks since early 2020.
The number of hate incidents reported represents only a fraction of the number of hate incidents that actually occured!
The US history has had a systemic, official and unofficial, exclusion for the Chinese, and this pandemic brought the debate back up again.
Terms like ‘China virus’ put Asian Americans in harm’s way.
Almost 40% of U.S. adults ,and 58% of the respondents of Asian descent – said it’s more common for people to express racist views about Asians than before the outbreak of COVID-19.
Excerpt Asian Americans are the forgotten minority in the glass ceiling conversation.